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+36 30 2222 777
1124 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 52.

Teeth are made of the densest tissues of the human body. While it grows, first the primary teeth develop, of which there is 20 in the mouth of a child. Later they are replaced by the permanent teeth, consisting of 32 teeth. They play a role in chewing, utterance, and also in aesthetic appearance. By their appearance we distinguish between incisors (per jaw and per side) 2, canine teeth (1), premolars (2), molars (3) out of which the last molar can also be called wisdom tooth.

The appearance in the mouth and the position of this latter one can be very varied; it is more and more common that they do not even have a gem. However, when they do, they often cause various problems. However, they have little if any practical advantages, so in order to avoid possible complaints their removal is often recommended.

Most of the teeth have definite traits of shape, which distinguish them from the other ones. By the restoration the dentist has to restore the damaged teeth according to these features of shape, and anatomy. Teeth consist of crown and root. Crown is the visible part in the mouth, while roots stabiles the teeth in the jaw covered by gum. In the jaw flexible strings support the teeth, allowing them a little motion by every bite.

It is important to notice, that on the contrary, implants (see there) provide a totally fix anchorage. That is why placing bridges (fixed partial dentures) on natural teeth and implants at the same time. Teeth are living tissue. Through the roots veins and nerves penetrate them, providing the teeth with nutrition, oxygen, and with the ability to sense pain. Dental caries endanger these tissues, and we have to aim to prevent them by the treatment. If this is not possible any longer, with root canal therapy we can keep the tooth in the mouth.

Booking form

In order for us to be able to offer you the best possible appointment, please fill out the form below or call us on +36 30 2222 777 during working hours. Our reception will contact you shortly.

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phone +36 30 2222 777 mail location 1124 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 52.
Monday 8-16 óra
Tuesday 8-16 óra
Wednesday 8-16 óra
Thursday 8-16 óra
Friday 9-13 óra
Saturday emergency duty
Sunday emergency duty

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